
Nondual Christianity

Exploring the unitive and nondual
teachings of Christianity

This website is resource of teachers who have been inspirational and clarifying in my own journey. They themselves may not identify as teachers of “unitive Christianity” or “nondual Christianity”.  But in my own path, they and their teachings have helped me deepen in my ongoing exploration.

What is Unitive Christianity?

The further one goes into this question, the vaster, more pervaded by Mystery and more unanswerable it becomes. As a starting point though, we could simply say it is the teachings, present in the Christian tradition, that we are not separate from anything else – others, ourselves, the natural world and God. As an entry point, here’s a quote from Jim Finley:

“[Regarding] the mystical experience, Romana Guardini put it this way “The mystical experience is realization that although I am not God, I am not other than God either.  And although I am not any of you, I am not other than any of you either.  And although I am not the Earth, I’m not other than the Earth either.”  It’s really a state where we in God cease to be experienced as other than each other and our ultimate destiny is  infinite union with the infinite mystery of God as our destiny.  And even on this earth we can be awakened to it as this unitive state.”

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